The project started in Figma, then using HTML, CSS, and JS I was able to get a working website. Aqua Discuss is a made up forum site that provides its users with useful information pertaining to aquariums. This site acts as the welcome page to link vistors to the forums. The main goal in my Design Process was establishing a correlation between the UI and the content presented on the page. The site is split into three sections, each of these sections originate from the top left and disperse throught the site, similar to the flow of water. Clicking the icons will scroll the page down to its coresponding section.
Visit SiteMonaco, Monte Carlo is the richest city in the world, and has gained its wealth through its gambling economy operated within the Casino de Monte-Carlo. To create the tourism logo I combined a poker chip with a beach umbrella, the two are visually seen throught Monte Carlo and reflect its wealthy culture and lifestyle.
Surf N Sea established its Haleiwa, Hawaii location in 1965, and is a popular shop for both tourist and locals. When Recreating their logo I needed to convey that a prepared day at the beach, is a fun day at the beach. To do that, I illustrated a sun tanned duck fitted out with flippers and a snorkel, conveying that the proper beach attire and equipment will enhance any beach goers experience.
Moodys Mints is a made up brand by my Art 129 course teacher. The project aimed to replicate a realistic job scenario. I was given body copy, color swatches, and assets to create packaging for the new Orange-Spearmint Flavour. It was important to insure the template was to the correct scale when printed. After completion of the packaging design, I scratch modeled and rendered the Mint box within blender.
When illustrating these four pictograms I aimed to give a strong sense of movement. To achieved this, I added thickness to the lines that I thought would have weight carried behind them, adding the illusion of momentum to the figures. The visual works perfectly with the swimmer, as the water flows off and around the figures head.